Our solution consists of:
- A number of clear dashboards that directly meet the needs of clients;
- By comparing the schedules and plans and determining the number of available or required hours (with variables, functions, roles and authorities), adequate adjustments can be made;
- Dashboards are offered as standard based on the existing organizational structure, making adjustments possible at various layers;
- Those involved (down to location level) have access to this important information;
- Refreshment takes place at a frequency desired by the client;
Depending on the available source data and the existing BI environment, the intelligence is built into an existing environment or newly developed in the client's desired technology.
Example Reports
The examples below show only a small part of the total solution. In any case, the total solution ensures that insight is provided at all levels of the organization (including division, region and location level). We deliberately show a schedule and planning example; In our opinion, this is a first introduction to our ideas on how we can properly support a healthcare institution very quickly.
Capacity dashboard example 1
Specific page regarding absenteeism of employees and locations
Capacity dashboard example 2
Specific page regarding actual and predicted absenteeism percentage and insights into sick and available employees (filtering at the entire organization level is possible and specific location and employee lists are included below as a link)