Coronavirus Pattern Recognition with Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Here comes the benefit of data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence handy to answer the previous big question.
By preparing the data and training a model to detect the spreading pattern of coronavirus. The model will be able to predict the future cases of infections.

So instead of being unaware of the updates and just waiting for the new statistics, we can be prepared and well utilized to deal with the predicted values of this novel coronavirus.
By taking so many factors in consideration while training the model, not just the statistics of the virus like the new cases – total numbers of infections – total deaths … etc. But also other factors like: the quality of health care in the country, the average age of people, information about popular diseases in the country, benefits from previous experiences (we all hear about the Chinese medical team who came to Italy to help and support in fighting the coronavirus) … etc. By combing these factors with the information and statistics of Covid-19, we can build and train an accurate model using machine learning and artificial intelligence methods and algorithms to predict the future outcomes/results of this disease.
We all now how governments and authorities (specially in Europe) were so in shocked and unprepared for the unexpected huge stream of refugees in 2015 and how long did it take them to absorb the shock and they are still suffering to deal with all these applications.
So why not being prepared now for this new disease since we have the tools for that and not repeating an old experiences with being unprepared and not ready to face the new challenge.

Bassam Shoukri – 16 March 2020

Coronavirus Pattern Recognition with Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence:

As the whole world nowadays still fighting against the outbreak and spreading of coronavirus (Covid-19) and racing the time to find a proper medicine and vaccination for this virus, it’s good to have a better view in depth about the outbreak patterns and the speed of spreading.
Starting from China and far east (South Korea in particular as it’s one of the top 10 countries in the total numbers of cases), and since these are the countries where the coronavirus has originated (China) so they have more and longer data to analyze.

Business Intelligence corona

Business Intelligence corona

We can see from the visuals that the coronavirus started to arise until it reached a peak point of new daily infected cases then it started to drop down again. And since the Chinese authorities announced that they have succeeded in containing the disease it gives us a view about the general patterns of Covid-19. We can see that the same pattern happened in South Korea.
There are many reasons of arising to the peak. First of all of course the unawareness of a new disease and the way how to handle it, then the symptoms are also not visible on the patients in the first 1-2 weeks which makes the detection of it also harder and that what makes the new daily cases increase dramatically until it reaches its peak.
After starting to get knowing the virus and what it does and how it spreads, many measures have been applied to slow down the outbreak as much as possible. Measures like locking down the public locations and events and quarantine the sick people in isolated places to avoid transferring the sickness to other people, we can see the success of that by the drop down line of the new daily cases.
If we move on now to the next top countries with total numbers of cases (Italy and Iran):

Business Intelligence corona

Business Intelligence corona

We can see that the new daily cases are still in the rising phase since the coronavirus has hit these countries in a later time after China and far east and the authorities started to apply the measures of locking down and the quarantine a bit late as well, which made the virus infections increased very dramatically in these countries.
If we check the other top countries in Europe and US:

Business Intelligence corona

We can see that they also still at the rising phase of new daily cases. All these countries have already started or applied the lockdown and quarantine measures to fight against the spreading of Covid-19.

The big question now is: Have these countries reached the peak point or not?

Are they going to start the drop down phase soon? Or is it going to take a while until all these measures will be effective?

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Applications:

Here comes the benefit of data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence handy to answer the previous big question.

By preparing the data and training a model to detect the spreading pattern of coronavirus. The model will be able to predict the future cases of infections. So instead of being unaware of the updates and just waiting for the new statistics, we can be prepared and well utilized to deal with the predicted values of this novel coronavirus.

By taking so many factors in consideration while training the model, not just the statistics of the virus like the new cases – total numbers of infections – total deaths … etc. But also other factors like: the quality of health care in the country, the average age of people, information about popular diseases in the country, benefits from previous experiences (we all hear about the Chinese medical team who came to Italy to help and support in fighting the coronavirus) … etc. By combing these factors with the information and statistics of Covid-19, we can build and train an accurate model using machine learning and artificial intelligence methods and algorithms to predict the future outcomes/results of this disease.
We all now how governments and authorities (specially in Europe) were so in shocked and unprepared for the unexpected huge stream of refugees in 2015 and how long did it take them to absorb the shock and they are still suffering to deal with all these applications.
So why not being prepared now for this new disease since we have the tools for that and not repeating an old experiences with being unprepared and not ready to face the new challenge.



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